Kara Place Charity

Friday, June 6, 2014

How to Establish Your Career & Earn a Stable Income

Building a career with this group is all about building a downline support team.  Your downline support team consists of individuals you have invited to get involved on this journey with you.  These are individuals in your life that are passionate about saving lives, wish to also build a career in nonprofit, and will work with you to set goals and achieve results.

The First Step:  Joining a Cause & Defining Your Own
When you get involved you will be able to define your own cause and receive a fully customizable website for you to work with.  It takes no knowledge or experience to utilize this site and is very easy.  You can write about how you want to participate it and what your goals are for the future.  You will have a support base to help you with this process and we invite you to join the forums where others can work with you and help you get settled in.

The Second Steps:  Building Your Support Team
The second step in any humanitarian cause is knowing and understanding that you cannot achieve your goals alone.  Achieving goals is all about team building, networking, and finding people you can depend on and we have designed a financially rewarding system that will do just that.
Our career path is both rewarding and challenging.  It is designed to allow those who truly desire to dedicate their heart to the cause to be greatly rewarded with the financial freedom they deserve that will enable them to pursue our message.
Your success will depend on one simple factor. . .
        . . .you must bring four likeminded and dedicated individuals into your support group.
If you can do this then you can reach a state of financial freedom.  By doing so, your support downline will grow over time and eventually provide you with a strong and steady income to fund your humanitarian efforts.  If you can recruit more, then do so, and grow your contribution base even greater to achieve greater things.

Step Three:  Get Involved With Others
We invite you to connect with us in the One Voice Program and forums.  Our forums will be where everyone communicates, meets others, and talk about how they can best make a difference in the world.  You can start your own topics and build long lasting relationships with others involved.  Utilize the One Voice program when you need the voice and helping hands of others to solve local issues with companies or groups that just won't listen.  From here, learn about recruiting others, building your cause, and making this program a success.

Step Four:  Watch Your Efforts Expand & Grow
Overtime those who you recruit will continue to do the same, and before long you will have a downline of thousands of individuals brought into this by your efforts.  You can enjoy seeing all the great deeds you have helped made happen by bringing on just your friends and family.  In the meantime, continue to post your humanitarian efforts on your easy to edit website we give you and in the forums and show the world the great things that are being brought about with this program.  From as simple as saving an animal, to helping an expecting mother find a home for their child -- you can make a huge difference in this world.

Are You Ready To Start?

By clicking below you will become a part of my downline and I will get credit for your humanitarian efforts and contributions. 

Click the link below and we will get you started.
...  Click Here To Signup  ...


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